Ego depletion: superfluous concept
By Felix Larocca
Depletion ego: Concept as superfluous as the Marshmallow Test -
"We do not teach kindergartners to control their impulses to" learn "to eat a marshmallow has no justifiable value considering our current knowledge". ? FEFL in the "Marshmallow Test and uncertain predictive ability of future problems of human behavior" Read more:
Our fields of basic knowledge has been flooded by theories often trivial --- --- lacking meaning, which some consider archetypes of our knowledge, and that although they are based on experiments as ingenious as often capricious --- --- impact be totally devoid of any value.
Ego depletion ??
I mean several of countless tests, known to all as the Dilemma tram (all varieties), the test Marshmallow and Depletion Ego, among many others, that cram pages of professional journals abridging simplicities unimaginable.
To do justice to many of these "experiments", by the time we commemorate those who were truly constructive. As was the experiment Minnesota, studies Ethan Allen Sims (volunteer prisoners to determine the effect of certain diets), and sidestepping the way, the adventures of Milgram, Zimbardo's experiment John B. Watson with Little Albert and John Money with David Reymer and of American psychologists who were planning tortures prisoners of war in conflagrations that foolish rulers rid themselves on their own, without being authorized according to US laws.
Following the established routines, "almost commitment" (as stated the Bardo García Lorca in his poem La Casada Infidel, "the streetlights went out and the crickets lit" ??). Today we will be informed of another grand experiment that psychologists Roy Baumeister and Dianne Tice carried out to explain --- --- as if we knew what the self and how this attribute, indicative of strength of character, is "exhausted , is exhausted and finally lost ".
Let's see
about 20 years ago, psychologists Roy Baumeister and Dianne Tice, married couple, then working at the faculty of Case Western Reserve University, invented, which qualify as "a fundamental test in self control."
This is how appropriate the above study. Baumeister, and Tice stacked freshly baked cookies on a plate, which placed next to a plate of radishes showing them both to a parade of student volunteers. Then, they said some of the students, who were free to spend a few moments alone with the alleged goodies. And that, as they did, some of them could only enjoy radishes, while the other group would exclusively from the mouthwatering cookies.
After the unexpected snack, each volunteer was given the task of solving a puzzle. Puzzler that was designed to have no solution.
Baumeister, and Tice calculated the time students devoted themselves to the task of working the insoluble puzzle, to see how long it took them before giving up.
Their findings were as follows:
Volunteers who ate chocolate cookies worked on the puzzle about 19 minutes, on average. While the group merendó radishes lasted only eight minutes before desist in frustration.
The authors called this latter effect the 'ego depletion', which they revealed a fundamental fact about the human mind: we all have a limited amount of willpower. Whose supply decreases with prolonged use.
own observation
Eating a radish when one is surrounded by freshly baked cookies represents --- at least for researchers --- epic feat worthy of admiration and who really wears the ego. In that detail, without significant value, they based their entire experimental strategy.
Willpower --- --- Tice and Baumeister argued while consuming mental energy it is like a muscle that can be exercised to exhaustion.
That simple idea, perhaps intuitive for lay people, but "revolutionary" in the scientific field --- became a paradigm of scientific research at the time.
Effect of lemonade: Remedy for ego depletion ??
In subsequent years Baumeister, and Tice, and dozens of others, published piles of studies using similar procedures.
Psychologists, working in the same way, "confirmed" that a host of different intensities tasks requiring perseverance, could drain energy from anyone and leave cognitively ruined and stripped of self-control.
In 2010, a group of researchers led by Martin Hagger carry out a meta-analysis of the known, conducting a review of studies published in this regard, to find out if this type of research could be reliable. Using data from 83 separate studies and trials, the team Hagger concluded that the concept of 'ego depletion' seems to be a real and irrefutable phenomenon.
In 2011, Baumeister and John Tierney published a book of science-as-self-help around this research.
His bestseller, Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, advises readers on how science ego depletion could be used and when exhausted, as can recover. About the latter, the researchers said, that a simple glass of lemonade that has been sweetened with table sugar, could help restore self-booking someone dissipate. And if willpower functions as do the muscles, then regular exercise could increase their adaptability. "Literally (the researchers) that these maneuvers could build character."
Baumeister said the above during an interview with the Templeton Foundation, an organization financing of science that has given to his group about $ 1 million in donations. Emphasizing that the effects he had first begun to study in the 1990s were corroborated, Baumeister repeated: "Our findings have been replicated and confirmed in many different laboratories, so I'm sure they're real, 'he said on that occasion.
But the story was now about to turn the page. A recent article in the press today, and waiting for publication next month in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, describes a massive effort to replicate (if possible) the main inference that underlies these works.
Comprised of over 2,000 experienced two different topics in dozens of laboratories in several continents, the study found absolutely nothing, niente, nothing, rien, ?????. A null effect of the existence of the acclaimed "ego depletion".
Surprise! No, shock! ??
In other words, there is no indication or signal --- is this, faint or remote --- only that the human will works as Baumeister details, and hundreds of studies affirm that so are of no value.
But this is not the first time that an idea in psychology has been questioned. A 'crisis reproducibility' in this field, and in many other fields of knowledge, has now been well established. A study completed last summer tried to replicate 100 experiments in psychology showing that only 40 percent of repetitions could be corroborated.
For scientists and science journalists, this uncertainty in the authenticity of his inquiries is very --- but --- very worrying.
The new study of ego depletion has as its target, not only the method, but the very relevance of, presumptuously called "the Great Idea".
Baumeister Theory of willpower and the means of empirical support, is supposed to have been corroborated again and again in experimental studies. Its effect has been repeated in hundreds of different ways, and that the underlying concept has been proven by methodical analysis.
At least, they said the "experts" and so we reflected ??
But yet, it now appears that the ego depletion could be completely false. Meaning that an entire field of research --- and important parts of the careers of some scientists --- could be resting on quicksand.
But, more ?? Much more??
Great Idea ??
Later, Evan Carter and colleagues reviewed the meta-analysis of 2010 test using data from 83 studies and 198 experiments. During this process, the more scrutinized the articles studied, they could least give credit to their conclusions. First, the meta-analysis included only studies published, which meant that the data would be subject to standard bias for positive results. And, secondly, that included studies with contradictory or counterintuitive self-control measures.
For a second article published last year, Carter and McCullough completed another meta-analysis that included different studies, including 48 experiments that have never before been published. Again, they found "little evidence" of a real effect.
The issue now was becoming increasingly embarrassing ??
But at this point, there were other signs of trouble in the literature. The aforementioned effect of the restorative power of lemonade, for example, seemed unlikely: Since there is a way by which the brain can use glucose enough, doing so quickly that drinking a glass of sugared lemonade would make any difference.
These reviews were not fatal in themselves. It could be presumed that willpower is a limited resource. After all, that's how the money works in real life: buying habits a person could cover a lot of different factors, including how much cash entails and how you feel about your extravagance.
But considering these questions about the nature of willpower and debate the meta-analysis, the entire body of research began to look suspicious.
In October 2014, the Association for Psychological Science announced he would try to clarify some of these uncertainties. APS would create a 'Report aftershock'. A set of experiments, carried out by many different laboratories, hoping to find a single study that is representative of the total research. Martin Hagger, who wrote the original meta-analysis of 2010 would serve as lead author on the project. Roy Baumeister consulting methodology.
Teach children to overvalue goodies
Meanwhile, Baumeister (whose own ego remain, anyway, and by contrast, inexhaustible) still persists in his belief that the notion ego depletion is real. For him, the replications made in the study had failed, not the Great Idea, or the study itself.
For now, we know that ego depletion can be very fragile. If this is still the case, then why should we trust the other variations on the same theme? And if the latter were the case, then the Great Idea is reduced to a heap of very insignificant dust.
The decline of the Great Idea for many is not easy to accept, even for those willing to concede that there are major problems in establishing their significance and validity.
Still, an optimist would say, it seems unlikely that such errors so thoroughly spread throughout a whole literature, and many false results could be so perfectly intertwined. If all these successes occurred at random, then it is a miracle that they were so consistent across trials.
Meanwhile, ego depletion is such a bold and penetrating theory that can be tested in a thousand different ways.
Taken at face value, the new report does not invalidate aftershock everything we thought we believed about the concept willpower. Self-control a person can decay, of course. We do not know exactly when or why this happens wanes.
Baumeister, meanwhile, intends to launch its own replication effort --- because its credibility depends on it --- using methods that thinks develop himself. "It's not a good time. It's not funny. ' He says privately ??
Keep reading:
nuclear frigate USS Bainbridge (CGN-25)
The purpose of this paper is not to prove whether the principles of the Great Idea ego depletion have been verified --- as so far have not been --- or continue to be considered legitimate notion. But emphasize the idiosyncratic tendency prodding some so-called "experimental psychologists" to publish these putative "psychological evidence" that nothing at all (repeating) nothing we serve.
Research these, which still impressive, promote academic careers frolicking ideas that look fascinating --- --- not with legitimate concepts.
It seems that the reason these provisions responsible for our own, is the fact that we are structurally wired to believe in conspiracy theories and to delight in the rumor and gossip. Something that extends into the field of psychology, where there is a tendency to administer tests, whose meaning and value are decided arbitrarily and only serve as methods to analyze everything that someone decides that deserves to be investigated.
The dilemma tram
What stimulates my curiosity here is the reason why scientists ascribe arbitrary meanings (without giving much thought) to all that empirically observed.
In the same test Baumeister, it seems ridiculous that anyone could think that a dish of radishes can be regarded as tempting culinary delight. As a result, and in frustration, reacting negatively to the completion of the puzzle so that gladly received saucer radishes feeling disappointed --- --- soon abandoned the task. The others, those who were treated generously for doing nothing, set about the task of the puzzle, more excitement, waiting to get another dose of refined sugar for their efforts.
How is that possible --- again --- I wonder that food occupies a very important place in the minds of these scholars sui generis when conducting these investigations?
In my past I have the unforgettable experience (as a Psychiatrist for SC Charleston Naval Base). When I was then assigned the task of evaluating all members of the crews of ships anchored at the docks, which were equipped with thermonuclear weapons.
Having no established protocols, I bite the bullet and drove me as I could. While others of my colleagues, in different military areas, adopted appropriate for other purposes and methods proceeded as it did exactly ?? without any notion of what we were looking for.
52 years later --- --- I know nothing disastrous has happened.
(Keep reading:
Being in the midst of election campaigns of 2016 more ridiculous in the history of American democracy The, I wonder: Where did they get Donald Trump to afford the dubious luxury of "enjoy" this circus, and opposed to sanity, that this madman has provided us?
Perhaps all candidates are split off from the same factory: Material consisting of mediocrities of intellect, coupled immeasurable ambitions and moved by the desire to turn the country into a genuine "public Res ??"
In summary
In this paper we have once again lamented the state of sciences, such as psychology, try to measure all human behavior through the use of psychological, very often puerile nature of examinations. Neurosciences who strive to establish the neural origins of human thought, being, still unable to establish where consciousness resides. And of psychiatry who shares the bed with Big Pharma concupiscence which provides (via DSM-ETC) for its improbable diagnostic medicine and unpublished entities.
For an unexpected surprise about the above, read: Is Big Pharma Medical Kidnapping "s New in Dirty Secret?.
Finally, to conclude this article, I wish to repeat the famous quote from the eminent physician / researcher Claude Bernard (1813-1878) who admonish us as follows: He who does not know what you are looking for does not understand what is ??
As above, I clearly mean what Baumeister and his followers designate Great Idea.
Please, no more "scientific" as mentioned in this article, no more testing policies and politicians who hold their profound ignorance without concern or scruples.
And no more Donald Trump and his border wall with Mexico.
No more??!
End of lesson. O End of election (more appropriately).
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